Enchanted Dreaming
One morning, Clara told her therapist about her dream that she lived deep in the Santa Clara mountains. Her quiet life quickened her to the unseen realm, the colors of the landscape suddenly vibrant and enchanting.
The subtle lights of fireflies became faeries with whom she danced in the moonlight. And wise old sages appeared from within the recesses of caves she had never before seen or entered.
“Aren’t these the mountains where you live?” asked her kindly old therapist. Her wrinkled face bore a playful smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. There was always a feeling of sincerity and soulfulness that emanated from her.
Clara felt her therapist was like the wise old sages in her dream. She listened to and spoke with hidden parts of Clara.
Suddenly, dark and chaotic feelings descended on Clara. Her mind opened as in a vision, a waking dream. Shadowy figures surrounded her. She was in the forest alone with these chaotic and unsettling forces.
Clara began to cry.
Her therapist asked, “Clara, what’s happening?”
Time passed before Clara began to speak. But before words came out, a shadow stood before her and touched her mouth. It would not let her speak. Deep fear took hold within Clara, tears drying, and her mind went blank.
The kindly therapist leaned forward. She knew, sensed the dark one. Then she spoke, her voice caring and understanding. “Clara, this heaviness and pain reflects your inner shadow, hidden pain, and turmoil. Let’s you and I stay with it . . . together.” After a moment, she asked, “What do you see now?”
Clara’s voice returned, and she described seeing herself in the enchanted forest. The trees whispered secrets, and the plants radiated healing energy.
She walked through the woods and discovered a glowing orb among the foliage. Upon touching it, a surge of energy flowed through her, awakening latent powers and energies.
The old therapist sat back in her chair, radiating a soft, subtle smile. She, too, felt the shift, the positive change. The consultation office atmosphere pulsated with energies of mystery and enchantment.
From then on, Clara’s dreams became a haven, awakening the power of enchanted dreaming.
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