The Heart of Dreaming
There’s a sense of knowing you’re dreaming when you’re…

The Right Now of Heaven and Hell
We Live What We Create
The horror of everyday life lies…

Toxic Ties Feed the Horror
As a psychotherapist and writer, I treat and write about unhealthy…

Find Your Rage, You Find Yourself . . .
Find Your Rage
Rage cuts through the BS. It gets…

The Magic of Metaphysical Reading
Metaphysical refers to what is natural but outside the ordinary…

Stories That Call Your Name and Heal Your Pain
I'm a psychotherapist and can say for sure that stories heal…

The Uncanny and A Sense of Things
Intuition is a sense of things, what Freud called…

Mirrors and Psychic Energy
Mirrors magnify psychic energy. I wrote about it in Goddess…

Enchanted Dreaming
One morning, Clara told her therapist about her dream that…

The Mystic Garden
In a mystical garden, a young woman, Aria, encountered…

Embracing the Archetypal Feminine in Storytelling and the Unconscious Mind
Deep within the psyche lies an unexplored realm, an expanse…

The Boy, the Words, and the Magic
In a far-off land many years ago, a boy named Ayaan lived in…

The Dreaming Poet
Once upon a time, there was a poet named Maya who dreamed…

Shadows Hiding
Ever wonder about shadows? You know, over there in…

Empathy and What’s Enough, What’s Too Much?
Empathy ~ what's enough? What's too much? Ahh, what questions?…

Holidays: Demons, Angels, and the Dance
Holiday Angels and Demons
Holidays are WONDERFUL . . .…

Sensitivity is Your Superpower
Odd as it sounds, we learn the most from our mistakes. That's…

Return to Your Own Center
We learn from healers, teachers, wise women, and men. Then…

Start Now and What You Need Will Come
"As long as you can start, you are all right. The juice will…

Can the Sacred be Abused?
Can the sacred be abused? Of course! I deal with it all week…

Horror, Transformation, and Your Worst Nightmare
Nightmares scare the hell out of us. Blues chase the blues…