Tap Into the Life Vibe
Bad Contagion and the Vibe
In the midst of the creeper contagion of Covid-19 and any other bad creature inside or out that comes our way, we can tap into the life vibe. It’s there and in you and surrounding you. In visionary fiction and occult horror (good books one and the same), there’s a horrid contagion. It’s usually in the form of a person or people. If it’s people, then it’s a cult. A cult becomes occult when it’s kept secret. That’s what occult means – secret. A chosen few, think they have the truth, and pity those who stand in their way.
The Vibe Will See You Through
There’s a tension in thrillers. Real life has tension. Daily is packed with tension. If we try and live so that it’s tension-free, we’ve got one hell of a problem that will translate to our soul. What you try and escape will get you. It’ll bite you in the ass. Stories, occult thrillers, are visionary because they raise consciousness. That’s the vibe—heightened awareness that gets you through the hell that’s come your way and out the other side in one piece and a better person for it. You’ll learn to stop the running, face the issue, and get on with the decision that needs to be made.
We can’t outrun making decisions. They’re either bad or good, but they are ours to make. And, we live out the consequences. Hopefully, the reading of stories helps us become a little wiser about the choices we make. They are critical because they determine the course of our life.
Vibe Restored and Replenished
As a depth psychologist in private practice for forty years, I’ve seen people repeatedly choose the bad and suffer terribly. The vibe’s gotten dulled down. It’s barely pulsing, beating, breathing. Often, folks have gotten enmeshed in cults like dysfunctional families (yup, they qualify), oppressive religious groups, dogmatic professional associations, and a legion of other nasty entities. I’d rather my patients not have suffered. But, it was their road to take, their path to walk. I help them regroup, learn what they need to learn from the experience and how dreams have spoken to the pain. Then the vibe returns like the morning sun rising over the Sandia Mountains in my native New Mexico. There’s wisdom gained, vibe restored and replenished, from stories, the living out of our own, and the reading of cut-to-the-chase visionary fiction.
“Live Deeply…Read Daily”
Image: Moises Llerena and Alfredo Zacateca